All test takers will receive a corresponding KTT badge and certificate.
Tests are conducted by:
In Tallinn - Sergei Rjabyshkin
Narvas - Sergey Timofeev.
The test program includes a one-time training session and taking the test.
Cost of the program: one-time training 5 euros and passing the test 15 euros,
Tallinn - Sergei Rjabyshkin Tel. 5106132
Narva - Sergey Timofeyev (KONKIRO) Tel. 56975223
NB! Sports club Estonia Trail Running is also looking for coaches in other Estonian cities who are interested in joining KTT and organizing tests.
The test can also be taken online under the following conditions:
1. Record the test as a separate workout using a sports watch (e.g. Garmin etc.);
2. Send the training information as a file with the following data - Name and surname, date of birth and a photo of performing one exercise to the address with the title 'KTT test'.
The cost of the online test is 30 euros (includes attestation, badge and certificate)
Payment details:
Account number: EE622200221064582602
Explanation: Name Surname, KTTNORMATIV
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